Letter to my doctor: Now what’s next?

“I’m told my treatment is finished. Others around me are so pleased, but I just can’t seem to feel the same way. Is it normal for me not to be totally thrilled?”

Absolutely! The others are happy and reassured knowing that you’ve been saved from that frightful disease. But you have just gone through a marathon that asked so much of you both physically and psychologically. Fatigue often sets in once the pressure has gone down and that danger is no longer imminent. This is on top of the fatigue associated with your therapy. Like many others, happiness is not necessarily the one emotion you have.

Medically reviewed by Urologic Oncologist ‪Dr. Robert J. Hamilton on 12/04/2021

You have gone through an experience that has impacted you and that might have been associated with fears and other unpleasant feelings. Patients are often ambivalent at the end of their therapy; they are concerned yet happy that it is over and done with.

I worry it may come back

If you are worried about a relapse or about your health in general, remember that your doctor and medical team will ensure regular follow-ups with you. Try to think about the now. Redefine your priorities and move forward with projects that are important to you and do so at your own pace; this will make you feel alive. Slowly but surely, as you get involved in both old and new projects, and as you get positive scan results, the anxiety associated with a fear of recurrence should fade.

You may be more prone to feelings of anxiety at certain periods of the year, for example on the anniversary of your diagnosis or when you are waiting for the scan results, etc. This is often the time when patients find the need to seek professional help. It is not abnormal to have contradictory feelings or anxiety. In fact, it can be difficult to pick up where you left off (studies, work, romance, etc.) as if nothing has changed or to contain that fear you have of relapsing.

At those moments, try to do activities that calm you down, or do something to help you think about something else. This experience is part of you now, you cannot erase it, but there are ways of decreasing the anxiety and the fear and it is up to you to explore and discover what is appropriate for you personally. You are in charge buddy!

Take the necessary time to visit each of our pages on this website to familiarize yourself with the disease. Do you have questions or concerns? Above all, do not hesitate. Contact us via Messenger on our Facebook page. It’s simple, free and confidential. 

Video to review
Get To Know Your Balls
Let’s Talk Balls 

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Sources and References
Testicular Cancer Canada

Written by Testicular Cancer Canada. © All rights reserved - 2022
