Self-Examination Guide


Take one minute a month to check out your boys. If you experience any of those symptoms, don't freak out but get to a physician to get yourself checked out immediately. Other health problems can involve the same symptoms. On the other hand, some males get testicular cancer without showing these signs, so testing is necessary to make a diagnosis.


Just Relax

Check your testicles just after you’ve had a bath or shower, when the muscles in the scrotum are relaxed, making it easier for you to feel any lumps, growths or tenderness. Stand in front of the mirror. Look for any swelling on the skin of your scrotum.


Size Up and Relax

Hold your scrotum in your hands and feel the size and weight of each testicle. It is common for one testicle to be slightly larger or hang lower than the other.


Feel for Lumps and Changes

Feel each individual testicle and roll it between your thumb and finger. It should feel smooth. It’s normal to feel a soft, tender tube towards the back of each testicle. You shouldn’t feel any pain when checking your testicles.


Keep and Eye Out

Once familiar with how your testicles feel, keep an eye out for any changes. If you detect a change, don’t freak out—just see a doctor as soon as possible.


What to look out for

A hard, painless lump on either of your testicles (not always present).
A change in the size, shape, tenderness or feel of your testicles or scrotum.
Swelling or pain in your testicles or scrotum.
A feeling of heaviness in your lower abdomen or scrotum.
An unusual back ache that doesn’t go away.
A soreness or sudden, unexplained growth around your pectoral muscles.
Unexplained weight loss.