Why me?

It’s normal to wonder why you or someone you care for has cancer. Aside from known factors which could increase your risk of developing testicular cancer, no one knows why you, in particular, are afflicted with the illness. You weren’t a target, just like other men in the same situation as you.  

Medically reviewed by Urologic Oncologist ‪Dr. Robert J. Hamilton on 11/15/2021

Cancer is a complex disease, and it is often impossible to know why things happen the way they do. Some people struggle with this throughout their cancer journey. Others believe that they got cancer because of something they did or did not do, or worse because they deserve it. That’s nonsense! All bodies are different and regardless of age, cancer can happen to anyone.

Why me? What did I do wrong? What did I miss? are all legitimate questions. Scientists and researchers are working to discover why some people get cancer and others do not. Despite all of the challenges that cancer presents, they are making progress in the prevention, detection, treatment, and survivorship of the disease. Still, they don’t have an absolute answer as to why you were diagnosed with testicular cancer (as of yet).   

If you think something is wrong, don't wait. Go see a doctor.

You might have experienced denial when discovering something abnormal with your teste. Denial is pretending things are going well when they really are not. It often prevents men from seeking medical care right away, feeling embarrassed about it or thinking it will go away on its own.  “So I did what most guys would do: I put it out of my mind. Or tried to. I couldn't believe it was anything serious.” Keep on reading Erik Strand’s story here

But then, you did see a doctor and everything spiraled at a very fast pace. Indeed, it not only can be hard to accept that you have testicular cancer, but the time span between signs, symptoms, diagnosis, including losing a teste along the way, can be mind-boggling and shocking.

Testicular cancer can affect each person differently

In the early days after diagnosis, your main focus might be learning about the cancer and working with your healthcare team to come up with a treatment plan. But medical issues are only one part of living with cancer.

It’s important to know that everyone’s cancer experience is different. Some people get through treatment and find that their life hasn’t changed as much as they had expected. For others, their life changes completely. Some people find living with cancer to be the biggest challenge they’ve tackled in their life. 

Rest assured, at least, for now, that the level of emotional intensity you are experiencing will decrease over time as you get your bearings. It takes time to adjust to this type of news.

Getting the support and early treatment you need

It might also help to remember that knowing “why” will not change the course of the illness. And continuing to wonder may get in the way of your ability to cope. Your valuable energy could be better used to help you and your family deal with the disease. Try to focus on the present and how to best deal with the situation ahead. If you’re having trouble with this, it may help to talk to a counselor, your doctor, a close relative or a friend you trust.

You are not alone

There is no way to know for sure in advance what your cancer journey will be. Learning about the type of testicular cancer you have, how it is treated and getting involved can help give you a sense of control over what’s happening. 

In time, you’ll discover that you are not alone in your fight against cancer. Your health care team, friends and loved ones are also fighting with you. 

And remember: there’s no right or wrong way to feel. Accepting your feelings without judgment is a good way to start your cancer journey. Have faith!

Take the necessary time to visit each of our pages on this website to familiarize yourself with the disease. Do you have questions or concerns? Above all, do not hesitate. Contact us via Messenger on our Facebook page. It’s simple, free and confidential. 

Video to review
Get To Know Your Balls
Let’s Talk Balls 

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Sources and References
Testicular Cancer Canada
UHN: A Courageous Journey...
Augusta University Health

Written by Testicular Cancer Canada. © All rights reserved - 2021
