Breaking down taboos to save lives!

April being Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, we feel it’s our duty to talk about this rare but real disease. 

Testicular cancer is the most prevalent cancer in men aged 15 to 39, but it’s also among the most treatable when caught early. It is actually the most common cancer in young men in Canada. It is also one of the most curable cancers. 1 in 250 guys will get this cancer in their lifetime.

Medically reviewed by Urologic Oncologist Dr. Robert J. Hamilton on 03/27/2022 

We all have lots of things to be embarrassed about. Getting your testicles checked isn’t one of them. 

There is no known cause for testicular cancer. However, the following risk factors can increase a person’s chances of getting testicular cancer: 

  • Age – between 15 and 45 years old

  • Undescended testicle (called cryptorchidism)

  • Family or personal history of testicular cancer

  • Abnormal development of the testicle

  • Some rare genetic conditions 

Remember, an increased risk of cancer does not mean you have cancer or will definitely get cancer in the future. Men may even develop testicular cancer without any of these risk factors. 

Time to touch yourself! explains how to examine yourself at least once a month. The more familiar you are with the normal shape and size of your testicles, the sooner you will be able to spot an abnormal sign. 

I found a lump, what should I do?

You may not want to hear this, but it could be cancer. As scary as it can be, this is not the time to freak out; being proactive could save your life. 

As mentioned, when caught early testicular cancer is one of the most treatable cancer so don’t wait, have them checked out. Trust yourself!

Take the necessary time to visit each of our pages on this website to familiarize yourself with the disease. Do you have questions or concerns? Above all, do not hesitate. Contact us via Messenger on our Facebook page. It’s simple, free and confidential. 

Video to review
Get To Know Your Balls
Let’s Talk Balls 

Pages of our site that might interest you
Want to know more? Just click on the link below.
Am I at risk?  

TCC news that may interest you
Each month, we publish a blog article. Here are a few for you.
My balls hurt!
I feel a heaviness in my underwear
Testicular Cancer - Myths and Reality

Sources and References
Testicular Cancer Canada
UHN: A Courageous Journey...
Augusta University Health

Written by Testicular Cancer Canada. © All rights reserved - 2022
